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Enjoy the Thai Massage Experience!

Exceptional bodywork therapy
excellent to heal and relax body and mind
from daily life and traveling activities.

Condesa - Roma - Polanco
and surrounding areas

Available at our studio in Roma Sur or house calls.

Thai Massage Session

Thai Massage
Featured Session

Enjoy a full featured Thai Massage Session


US$ 60

90' mins

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Thai Massage Light Session

Thai Massage
Light Session

Lighter tryout of the Thai Massage features


US$ 45

60' mins

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What is Thai Massage all about?

The Ancient Traditional Thai Massage Theory states that energy lines called Sen Sib Lines run down our bodies from our core, along our limbs and head. These lines balance the energy that flows through our bodies ruling our mindset, emotions, mood and general feeling.

Different circumstances such as physical work, unfortunate events, emotional pression or mind distractions have an impact, affecting these threads, obstructing their optimal flow of energy. Resulting in injuries, discomfort, lack of concentration, mobility limitations, even emotional and physical pain.

The Thai Massage bodywork consists of full body stretches and pressured massage at precise body points that release the obstructions of these lines allowing the energy to glide fluently through our body, benefiting your lifestyle in terms of movement, flexibility, mindset and soul feeling.

Ideal to treat (chronic or not) injuries caused from activities such as:

  • Stress caused from work, traveling, daily living.
  • Wrong posture for long hours at the computer/desk
  • Injuries caused by traveling activities such as:
    • > Carrying heavy luggage for a long time
    • > Hiking - long hikes
    • > Horseback riding
    • > Uncomfortable traveling commodities
    • > Extreme or unsual physical effort
  • Relaxation from daily life or traveling exhaustion

Give yourself an exceptional experience and try Thai Massage

Guaranteed you will become a fan!

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