Meridian Massage Polanco
Meridian is an ‘energy highway’ in the human body. Qi (chee) energy flows through this meridian or energy highway, accessing all party of the body. Meridians can be mapped throughout the body; they flow within the body and not on the surface, meridians exist in corresponding pairs and each meridian has many acupuncture points along its path.
The term ‘meridian’ describes the overall energy distribution system of Chinese Medicine and helps us to understand how basic substances of the body (Qi, blood and body fluids) permeate the whole body. The individual meridians themselves are often described as ‘channels’ or even ‘vessels’ which reflects the notion of carrying, holding, or transporting qi, blood and body fluids around the body.
It is tempting to think of the meridians of the human body the same way as we think of the circulatory system, as the meridians are responsible for the distribution of the basic substances throughout the body just like the circulatory system, but here is where the similarities end. Conventional anatomy and physiology would not be able to identify these pathways in a physical sense in the way that blood vessels can be identified.
It is more useful to consider the meridian system as an energetic distribution network that in itself tends towards energetic manifestation. Meridians can be best understood as a process rather than a structure.
The meridian system of the human body is a delicate, yet intricate web of interconnecting energy lines. If a person masters an understanding of this meridian system they will know the secrets of the flow of Qi energy in the body.
Ayurveda greatly influenced health care practices in the east and the west. By 400 AD Ayurvedic works were translated into Chinese; by 700 AD Chinese scholars were studying medicine in India at Nalanda University. Chinese medicine, herbology and Buddhist philosophy were also impacted by Ayurvedic knowledge. The discovery of the meridian system; were discovered through spiritual practices like meditation and pranayama by those ancient practitioners who were “seers” of the subtle energy pathways.. By allowing themselves to become immersed deeply in another state of consciousness, ancient masters could literally “see” inside the body. Because of heightened sensitivities, these healing masters could withdraw their egos from the world of five senses and open a deeper part of themselves to the equally real world of the invisible. Their observations have helped us understand that this invisible energy network can enhance spiritual development, as well as create many health benefits.
Yoga Massage Therapy combines marma points and meridian pathways because are so powerful, they offer the smoothest channel for unconscious and subconscious communications within the body. Using marma therapy, acupressure and acupuncture to readjust and unblock meridians, Yoga Massage Therapy is one of the best therapies available to help living organisms to connect body, mind, and spirit, and recover their healing power. This modality allows the unconscious mind to participate in the healing process. This way—and only this way—can you Root Up the Issue that causes the problem resulting in disease. The key to allowing the healing force to operate through these pathways is to remove any blockages along the channels. When the blockages are removed then the healing force will flow naturally and unimpeded.